Sunday, June 27, 2010

Am I Not Human: June 2007 Posts

Marenda, Bohemian Chick, Villager, Ms Lady Deborah, Eddie Griffin (posted food for thought abt delusional 'officials' before campaign day), and PZ ask:

Check current and past reported posts,
by clicking the the yellow button in the sidebar.

Linklist note: Click on the above names to visit the posts. If your post is up, please include it through the yellow button in the side bar. Thankyou for taking the time to focus attention on the human rights crisis', and solutions we can all take action in empowering with our signatures, signs, blogs, wallets, divestments, and the like.
Our mainstream media may ignore the majority of human rights violations in favor of diversion-media, but we have the power to spread the word about what's really happening in the world, in our efforts to power solutions.

This practice of posting campaign links was something Sir Wayne offered as a service in the early days of the 'Roots-Of-Humanity' groups' 'Am I Not Human' campaign. As a reminder of the post-links available through the yellow button in the sidebar, we may be offering this from time to time when there are abundant links on a given month <3

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