Monday, April 21, 2008

Am I Not Human Press Release

Bloggers Stand in Remembrance of Humanity on April 27th

(PressMethod) - With the intent to ask the masses to remember humanity when they think of major competitive events such as the Olympics, set to be hosted in Beijing by a country guilty of involvement in numerous civil rights violations and outright oppression, April 27th is being observed as the day the question must be asked for Darfurians, and Tibetans to name only a few countries that have been affected by China's lack of concern for human rights, 'Am I not human?'

The Olympics have been said to represent friendship and humanity, but the oppressive realities China has taken part in seem to willfully ignore higher Olympic principles.

The 'Am I not human?'blog campaign involves bloggers from a myriad of cultures recognizing the symbolic importance the Olympics claim to represent and the direct violation towards humanity China is guilty of in its act as a supplier to Oppressive forces in the Sudan, and it's unspeakable acts towards Tibetan Monks.

The campaign's strategy is to educate, motivate and activate. A small ebook will be available for download detailing the background of the struggle in Darfur and Tibet, highlighting real actions that can and should be taken. The ebook will present the opportunity to continue action offline within our communities by anyone claiming to be interested in making a positive change.

Conscious Blogger Eddie Griffin shares, "We will no longer idly stand by and watch such blatant hypocrisy as human beings are inhumanely preyed upon."

The Blog Campaign participants will post in unity on the 27th of each month until real measurable, progressive change can be seen in Darfur and Tibet.

The Virtual Campaign headquarters can be found at:
The email where Campaign Organizers can be reached:


Eddie Griffin
Daz Wilson
Danielle Vyas
Wayne Hicks


Email Us


Jackie E. said...

I just wanted to say that in spite of the fact that I will most likely be representing my country, The Bahamas at the upcoming Olympic Games in Beijing, it is not without complete awareness, compassion and empathy for the people of Darfur and Tibet and other like nations whose people have been violated and oppressed by China's policies. The Am I not human campaign speaks loudly and clearly to me as I too agree that China's willful and blatant disregard for thr Olympic principles and all that that means, is very disturbing to put it mildly. It is a great conflict for someone like myself who has been to the Olympics before and have seen firsthand, the goodwill and united spirit that the Olympics does engender between countries who would not necessarily or usually find anything in common. The Olympics at her best, can do that - break down walls, remove barriers - so let's not forget the good that the Olympic Games in and of itself can create, even if only for a 2 week period of time, among 10,000 athletes who come together to speak the same language of competition, fairplay, unity and goodwill. We are not China's policies, nor do we support them and I hope that others will and can see that the desire to compete in the Olympics, as an athlete and support of the aforementioned heinous policies that China enforces are not mutually exclusive, not one and the least I don't think so anyway.

Unknown said...

Jackie - Thank you very much for sharing your insights here in the comments section. Would you mind if I cross-post your comments to my blog?

peace, Villager

Jose Vilson said...

Alright, I'll have a post up tomorrow up but my blog is ...

Vanessa said...

My post is up at